\ˈek-sər-ˌsīz\ n. 1: the act of bringing into play or realizing in action 2: bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness 3: something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill 4: a performance or activity having a strongly marked secondary or ulterior aspect 5: a maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and discipline
Ok, I realize that it has been an egregiously long period of time since I have posted anything. For that I apologize. I will have you know, my word as my bond, that from this day forth, I will make an honest attempt to be more industrious in my updates. I will keep you guys entertained, so help me god, no matter the cost. While this edict may inhibit my ability to create astounding works of blogular greatness, I will do my best to uphold the high standards that I unfortunately created for myself with my first post (which took me days, no, WEEKS, to complete. not complaining, no, no). This may result in shorter posts, but hey, as we all know, size isn't everything. Without further ado, let's talk about SKATE-BOARD-ing (cue Salt-N-Pepa)…
Storytime! As you may or may not be aware, Punk Rope Belgium now has a regular gig at the BasicFit in Evere, Rue de Geneve, on Wednesdays at 6PM. Holla! We kicked off the month of October and debuted the class with a 'Ladies Who Rock' theme (songs with kick-ass leading ladies), followed by 'All Around the World', and this week, a truly stellar collection of skateboarding tunes for our 'SKATE AND DESTROY' class. I don't know what we were all smoking this week, but let me tell you, it was magic! The air was thick with enthusiasm, positive energy and pounding rhythms. Things got a little cuckoo, with the help of a mischievous skateboard named James Kelly and an overzealous student who took the theme to its literal end and face-planted across the floor. For a few seconds time stood still as shell-shocked students stared at the drops of blood splattered across the parquet floor, until a paper towel appeared and erased the remnants of the spill. We got back to work for the remainder of the song, after which I took the opportunity to remind the students that this class was hardcore. Ha. Ha. I, for one (and maybe the only one), thought that was very funny. Our fallen comrade returned to class to retrieve her belongings a few chin-skin layers lighter, but with a blinding smile and promise to return another day. I spent the remainder of this wonderful hour yelling hoarsely at students at the top of my lungs (the microphone was dysfunctional that day) and dodging spirinting students while streaking across the slippery floor with James Kelly. There were no rules and yes, we destroyed. Not sure they will let me work at BasicFit anymore. JUST KIDDING. I think. Time for a little song break. Cue songs with "banned" and "no rules":
In case you are interested, here is the playlist of bodacious tunes about skateboarding or performed by skateboarders that we demolished in class on Wednesday. I have been completely out of my mind hyper this week, and I lay all the blame on these songs. Who needs Red Bull when you've got skate punk?
Murs - Skatin Through the City
No Doubt - Excuse Me Mr.
The Adolescents - Rip it Up
The Faction - Skate & Destroy
The Descendents - Doug Rides a Skateboard
Bad Religion - Give You Nothing
Beyond Possession - Skater's Life
Agression - Intense Energy
Pharrell - Happy
Seven Hate - Booze
Minor Threat - Filler
Gang Green - Skate to Hell
The Bouncing Souls - True Believers
Pearl Jam - Save You
Yelawolf - Gone
Dinosaur Jr. - Plans
That's all for now, folks. My time quota is up. Stay tuned for more frequent updates (I PROMISE). Keep your friends close, but your boards closer.