\ˈek-sər-ˌsīz\ n. 1: the act of bringing into play or realizing in action 2: bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness 3: something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill 4: a performance or activity having a strongly marked secondary or ulterior aspect 5: a maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and discipline
About Me
Hi everybody! Salut tout le monde! Some of y'all might know me, some of y'all don't (cheap 90's reference, for all you DJ Kool enthusiasts out there). My name is Sahy, welcome to my blog! I am an ACE-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor based in Brussels, Belgium. I am a recent transplant to this side of the Atlantic - practically fresh off the boat - with my one-year arrival anniversary coming up in July 2015. I was born and raised on the east coast of the United States, RI and CT here's looking at you, but spent the 12 years prior to my relocation to Europe in the greatest of cities, the big apple of my eye, the home in my heart, good ol' New York City.
Having lived in 3 out of 5 boroughs over the years, ManQueBro, I consider myself at least 60% New Yorker. So why on earth did I leave the city that never sleeps to come to Brussels? Two words, folks, two words: TWUE LOVE.
You know what else I love? Torturing people. Making them sweat and curse me out. Challenging my torturees to new heights in their individual quests for fitness and power. This blog will chronicle my journey as an instructor, my victims' journeys, and anything else remotely relevant (or completely irrelevant) that strikes my fancy. There you have it, dear readers. That's my story, and I am sticking with it.
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